Thursday, January 24, 2008

Preliminary Chapter 70 FY 09

The governor's budget has released preliminary numbers for Chapter 70. A quick review indicates the budget follows through on the third year of a five year phase-in to assure that comparable cities and towns receive comparable treatment from the state, using the guidelines and formulas established by the legislature towards that end; as well as using an uncapped price deflator at a little over 5% to realistically adjust the foundation budget, also, I believe, following the legislature's intent if not their ability to fund.

The numbers and formula spreadsheets can be found here.

While the legislature disagrees about the use of gambling revenues to close a structural budget gap, I don't see any reason for major disagreements between the legislature and the governor on this part of the budget this year. The price tag for the chapter 70 proposal is $223 million, about the same as last year.


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